Do you believe the U.S. is doing enough to prevent undocumented workers from sneaking into the country?
Would you favor a cap on the number of immigrants entering the U.S. and why?

Respuesta :

In general it seems that the USA government is not doing enough to prevent undocumented workers from sneaking in the country. This can be easily seen by the number of these people in the country. The problem with the undocumented workers is that they tend to work for less money, thus easily taking jobs away from the legal citizens. Also they do not contribute to the budget of the country as they do not pay taxes, and marge portion of the money they earn are sent back into their country of origin, the result being a very negative effect.

A cap on immigration should definitely be implemented because the economy projections of a country are based on the number of people in the country, and the characteristics and skills of those people. The immigration should be strictly regulated and only people that can contribute to the American society with their skills should be allowed to move in, as they will contribute to the growth and progress of the country.