Read the following article and answer the questions:
This article discusses the death of Patrice Lumumba. He was a democratically elected president of the Congo. However, the U.S and other allies were nervous because he was leaning toward the Soviet Union for help. In the end, there is a coup and Patrice Lumumba is assassinated. New evidence supports that the U.S new about the assassination but did nothing to stop it, though they did not actively participate in the event. However, the Belgium government, who was the colonial ruler of the Congo, was involved. After reading the article, answer the following questions.
1. Why specifically were the United States and other afraid of Patrice Lumumba?

2. How would you view the U.S if you were a Congolese person who knew that the U.S knew about the assassination but did nothing to stop it?

3. Was it wrong that the U.S did nothing to stop the assassination? Justify your answer.

4. Do you agree with the author and his thesis statement, that Patrice Lumumba was the most important assassination of the 20th century? Explain.