Respuesta :

The Great Commission is the last command by Jesus to his disciples our Lord's to take God's gospel to all people throughout the world and to make disciples in all nations. The two responsibilities mentioned in the Great Commission are:

1) The first responsibility is to build and multiply the disciples of Christ in all nations and, in turn, they will evangelize the Good News to their nations and train other disciples to do the same generation after generation through the process of spiritual multiplication.

2) The second responsibility is to preach and teach the dynamic gospel of Christ; thus its the responsibility of the Holy Spirit's to make our witness effective.


  • Missionary work
  • Evangelism


The great commission is the instruction JESUS CHRIST GAVE TO HIS DISCIPLES AFTER HE APPEARED TO THEM after his Resurrection from he dead.

He instructed them to go the world and continue his work of evangelism and converting souls for the kingdom of God. some of the responsibilities he gave to them where Missionary work ( moving all over the world converting souls through preaching of the gospel to unbelievers ) and Evangelism ( preaching the gospel of the lord and strengthening the already existing disciples of the lord )