World War II: The soldiers lay in the foxhole in the dark, cold night. Armed to the "teeth" with rifles, M1 Medium tanks, and machine guns, they waited for the enemy to strike.
World War I: The biplane zipped through the skies, showering its enemy with a small stream of bullets. Just one bullet took the enemy down, spiraling toward the earth, never to be seen again.
Cold War:
"We are ready for launch in T-30 seconds! Final checks, final checks!"
Everyone waited tensely. This was the moment they would prove every other country wrong.
"T-10! Prepare for launch, prepare for launch!"
"T-5! Rocket ignition!:
The rocket, carrying a HUGE warhead, blasted off into space.
However, no country ever bombed each other. No one. Just a show. A competition. Who would win at the arms race?
Unlike WWI and WWII, the Cold War was an arms race without any country bombing any other.