John A supervisor at the local factory ,receives frequent requests from workers on how to fix the machine they use .what should John do?

Respuesta :

The correct answer is that John should make sure that he trains the workers in a better way, including how to fix the machine that they use for the job.

He needs to do this on the grounds that in the factory, a machine is indispensable for the workers and it could be damaged at any time. So, the workers should be able to fix it right away and not lose time waiting for the supervisor to come to fix it.

The right answer to what should John do about requests from workers on how to use the machine is:

There are a number of things John can do depending on several factors. The most obvious answer would be to ask John to train able employees.

The first thing we should consider on a more serious and deeper analysis is John's leadership style and skills. In the best case scenario assuming John has strong leadership skills he could delegate tasks to able employees.

When delegating he should be a diplomatic, pace-setting and visionary leader. Visionary and charismatic enough to articulate the tasks to be completed but letting able employees take pride in their freedom to do a job well done.

By delegating tasks to able employees he can focus and be free to work on the company's vision and mission by giving his all to whatever the company may need.

Important questions we may ask are...

Is the company expanding? Shrinking?

In the best case scenario during expansion John may be focused on hiring the best, most competent employees as well as visiting different countries in order to find the right partners and location for the company's bottom line.

I must conclude by saying that I've only addressed best case scenarios for this hypothetical questions. We may also assume that the opposite is likely during a contraction period.