please help words arent unscrambled and work is overdo!!!

scrambled words
sacó (unscrambled)
abre (unscrambled)
buzón (unscrambled)

please help words arent unscrambled and work is overdoscrambled words sacó unscrambledrobcra sicasatpalovedervreraciabre unscrambledbuzón unscrambled cúmaphploc class=

Respuesta :

Please help words aren't unscrambled and work is overdo!!!

scrambled words

sacó¹ (unscrambled)

robcra =>cobrar²

sica =>casi (unused)

satpa =>pasta⁴

lovederv =>devolver⁵

reraci =>cierra⁶

abre⁷ (unscrambled)

buzón⁸ (unscrambled)

cúmaph =>champú⁹

ploceil =>cepillo¹⁰

losles =>sellos¹¹

aacrt =>carta¹²

tisdtean =>dentista¹³

qecuhe =>cheque¹⁴

édmoci​ =>médico¹⁵

1. Lucas va al supermercado para comprar el champú⁹ para lavarse el pelo.

Translation: Lucas goes to the supermarket to buy the shampoo to wash his hair.

2. Luego, va a la biblioteca para devolver⁵ el libro que leyó ayer.

Translation: Then, he goes to the library to return the book he read yesterday.

3. Lo sacó¹ la semana pasada de la biblioteca y le gustó mucho.

Translation: He took it out last week from the library and he liked it a lot.

4. El correo se abre⁷ a las nueve, entonces va al consultorio primero.

Translation: The post office opens at nine, so he goes first to the doctor's office.

5. En el consultorio habla con el médico¹⁵ porque le duele el estómago.

Translation: At the doctor's office, talk to the doctor, because he has a stomachache.

6. En el correo, Lucas tiene que comprar unos sellos¹¹.

Translation: In the post office, Lucas has to buy some stamps.

7. Los necesita para enviar un carta¹² a su abuelo.

Translation: He need them to send a letter to his grandfather.

8. Después, va a echarla en el buzón⁸.

Translation: Then, he will throw it in the mailbox.

9. Tiene que ir al banco después porque se cierra⁶ a las cuatro.

Translation: Then, he has to go to the bank, because it closes at four o'clock.

10. En el banco va a cobrar² su cheque¹⁴ del trabajo.

Translation: At the bank he will cash his work check.

11. Al fin del día compra un cepillo¹⁰ de dientes porque tiene que ir al consultorio de la dentista¹³ la semana que viene.

Translation: At the end of the day he buys a toothbrush because he has to go to the dentist's office next week.

12. Ahora, solo le falta la pasta⁴ dental para cepillarse los dientes.

Translation: Now, all he needs is toothpaste to brush his teeth.
