Select the process that the following word has undergone.

nice from ME nice (foolish)

amelioration: change in meaning to something more favorable
pejoration: change in meaning to something less favorable
specialization: meaning narrows to refer to something specific
generalization: meaning broadens to refer to something general

Respuesta :

amelioration: change in meaning to something more favorable

The original word "nice" meaning "foolish" has a bit of a negative connotation. A person described as foolish is often thought to have done something childish without a lot of forethought. The foolish behavior often results in some type of accident or harm. Now "nice" means to be kind to or thoughtful of others. People are nice when they give compliments, hold the door for someone, or help out. The meaning of nice in how it is used now from the way it used to be used is more favorable.


amelioration: change in meaning to something more favorable
