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college lectures  



Each person manages his way of expressing himself depending on the communicative situation in which he is, this depends on what he wants to say, who he is addressing, for what and for what purpose. There are different ways to communicate what you want to say within a context, when you are in a communicative act, you must adapt the way you speak to the circumstances you are in. It is important to know how to adapt the spoken or written language to every situation, it is necessary to know at what moment to make use of informal language and formal language.

  • Formal language: language used in formal situations, which require protocol in its form. Thus, correct pronunciation, proper vocabulary and sentence structure are important. The phrases, vulgarisms, idioms and jargon are omitted. This language is typical of serious or formal situations, is commonly used in an exhibition, a conference or a debate.
  • Informal language: language used in informal situations, directly related to family and friends. It is daily, spontaneous, close and expressive. They use snatches, diminutives, affective expressions and idioms. This language corresponds to more informal situations.


College Lectures


Technical Reports

Universidad de Mexico