
Although it can result in erosion, __________ also allows healthier plants to grow.

A. flood

B. landslide

C. mudslide

D. wildfire

Respuesta :


Although it can result in erosion, __________ also allows healthier plants to grow.

A. flood

B. landslide

C. mudslide

D. wildfire

Although it can result in erosion, wildfire also allows healthier plants

Answer: Option D


Different studies and cases have shown that the land managers have prescribed stray fires because it helps in adding up of the nutrients to the soil and helps in the regrowth of plant life. Burning of old plants will add components of charcoal to the soil which may result in a presence of nutrients in the ash.

Burning off of the died plant life, and other plants like the weedy plants, increases the sunlight entry into the forest floor. But the stray wildfires can increase the chances of soil erosion because the fire often destroys the vegetation and makes the soil a water-repelling substance. Wildfires are seen to have burnt away ground cover and vegetation across the land, and the low-intensity level makes the healthier plants also to grow.