This is a story in Latin: The son of Aeneas, Ascanius city under Mount Alban. Many years ago kings of this city, called Alba Longa, ruled. After this the king, Numitor, who had a son and a daughter, took charge of. His evil brother, Amulius, wanted to be king; Amulius drove him from the throne from power and killed his son. The daughter Virgo (Virgin - see note) was forced (the children could overwhelm the evil king). BUT! God Mars saw and loved it! Silvia two sons! The evil, hearing (see hint) wanted to kill them and to broadcast them in the river (to be thrown) ordered. Tiber (Father Tiber - god of the river) to a dry trough in which the wolf fed them, and a shepherd with his wife and brought them up. Adults (become), shepherd them about (evil deeds) Amulius. After told. Kingdom power restored to their grandfather (having been restored), Romulus and Remus wanted to found. Alas! Due to the controversy over the auspices Romulus killed Remus. A beautiful city which he called, using his name. It also created a hundred senators, out of respect "fathers" Greeks.