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Individual Identity and Health Relationship values Professional values Cultural values. Human discernment the dynamic procedure of choosing, sorting out and deciphering individuals, objects, occasions, circumstances, and activities.

Person-focused observation reflects intellectual multifaceted nature since it involves conceptual reasoning and a wide scope of schemata. A procedure of disguising and acting from social points of view that we learn during the time spent communication.

Communication that expressly discloses to us our identity by naming us and our practices. We contrast ourselves with others to initially choose whether we resemble them or not the same as them then we contrast ourselves by estimating in connection with others.

The right answer to that question is affective response.

Further explanation

The response is the attitude or behavior of a person in the communication process when receiving a message addressed to him. The response also means that feedback has a major role or influence in determining whether or not communication. Feedback plays a very important role in communication because it determines the continuation of communication or the cessation of communication carried out by the communicator. Therefore, feedback can be positive, can also be negative.

Positive feedback is a response or response or communicant reaction that pleases the communicator so that communication runs smoothly. Instead of negative feedback is a communicant response that does not please the communicator, so the communicator does not want to continue the communication.

There are 3 types of responses that are often encountered, including the following:

a. The cognitive response is the response associated with thought or reasoning so that the audience who initially did not know, who did not understand, who had been confused to feel clear. Or it happens when there is a change in what is known, understood, or believed or perceived by the public. This relates to the transmission of knowledge, skills, beliefs or information.

b. The affective response is a response related to feelings, arises when there is a change in what is felt, liked, or hated by the public. This relates to emotions, attitudes, or values.

c. The behavioral response is a response that refers to the real behavior that can be observed, which includes patterns of actions, activities, or behavioral habits

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Class: High School

Subject: Advanced placement

Keyword: Types of responses