State which alliance promoted goals and protection of the United States and which alliance promoted goals and protection of the Soviet Union. Site and explain evidence from each primary source to support your answers.

HELP WITH HOMEWORK State which alliance promoted goals and protection of the United States and which alliance promoted goals and protection of the Soviet Union class=

Respuesta :

The alliance that promotes goals and protection of the United States is the NATO. The purpose of the military alliance is to 'safeguard the freedom...founded on the principles of democracy'. The spread of democracy in the world is one of the main goals and aims of the United States in the world. 'To settle...any international dispute by peaceful means' and to 'seek and promote stability in the North Atlantic area' are means of U.S. protection of other nations in the world. NATO constitutes a system of collective defense in response to an attack by an external party.

The alliance that promoted the goals and protection of the Soviet Union was the former Warsaw Pact. The goals of the Warsaw Pact were to' consult with one another... a threat of an armed attack on one or more of the Parties to the Treaty'. In an event of an attack, each member of the treaty should 'should come to the assistance of the state or states attacked'. The reason for the Soviet Union to sign the Pact was to fight together with other satellite nations the spread of capitalism. The Soviet Union also wanted to maintain control over military forces in Eastern and Central Europe.