Fill in the blank with the letter of the accomplishment that matches the person.

Accomplishments :

A. Won a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his biography, Profiles in Courage.

B. Author of Fahrenheit 451, which showed the disconnection of people from personal relationships because of their absorption with television.

C. Developed theories about the power of media to persuade and control

D. Owner of the New York Journal; responsible for the first "media-driven" war.

E. One of the most influential journalists during the Spanish-American War; opposed William Randolph Hearst's publishing tactics.

F. Author of 1984, in which society falls under the spell of "Big Brother" and a video screen records people's activities inside their homes.

G. His name is associated with a famous journalistic prize.

H. Creator of The Yellow Kid, one of the first comic strips. war

I. Newspaper articles and political cartoons influenced this man to engage the U.S. in. war.

J. Resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in May 1898: ultimately became the 26th President of the United States.

1. Joseph Pulitzer
2. Noam Chomsky
3. Richard Harding Davis
4. President William McKinley
5. Ray Bradbury
6. Theodore Roosevelt
7. George Orwell
8. Richard Felton Outcault
9. President John F. Kennedy
10. William Randolph Hearst

Respuesta :

1. Joseph Pulitzer

G. His name is associated with a famous journalistic prize.

He was also the New York World newspaper owner. (more info in answer 10)

He  was hungarian and emigrated to the US at 17. He was a defender of independent journalism and donated a huge amount of money for the creation of the journalism school at Coumbia University.

He was the pioneer of the "nfotainment": the mix between information and entretainment.

2. Noam Chomsky

C. Developed theories about the power of media to persuade and control

He is the father of the modern linguistics. He developed several studies about linguistics: language as a computer functioning automatically. He is also a philosopher and activist.

He thinks that mass media is not used for inform, is for shaping public opinion according to the corporative power agenda.

3. Richard Harding Davis

E. One of the most influential journalists during the Spanish-American War; opposed William Randolph Hearst's publishing tactics.

He was a close friend of Roosevelt

4. President William McKinley

I. Newspaper articles and political cartoons influenced this man to engage the U.S. in. war. (the reasons are explain in the answer number ten)

5. Ray Bradbury

Born in 1920 is one of the greatest americans writer. He died in 2012.

B the author of Farenheit 451 tells the story about a dark future. Montag the main character, belongs to a firefighter squad which activity was building fires to burn books. In Montag's country is forbidden to read, because reading makes you think, and thinking is prohibied.  

This book is one of the distopic science fictions classics, with kind of a visionary story.. in a certain way we can identify our actual society and lifestyle with Montag's.

6. Theodore Roosevelt

J. Resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in May 1898: ultimately became the 26th President of the United States.

During WWII, he declared war after Pearl Harbour attack, and he authorized the nuclear bombing in Japan.

As president, he was elected after the McKinley was murdered. He created the Panama Canal, to contribute Pacific and Atlantic ocean supremacy.

7. George Orwell

F. Author of 1984, in which society falls under the spell of "Big Brother" and a video screen records people's activities inside their homes.  

1984 it's another distopic Sci Fi classic book and the story shows that information is manipulated by the government. The past could be erased o manipulated by the gov, who also vigilates the citizens in an omnipresent way.

The Big Brother is a character in the novel inspired in the totalitarian leaders.

8. Richard Felton Outcault

H. Creator of The Yellow Kid, one of the first comic strips.

It was published in the New York World newspaper, whose owner was Joseph Pulitzer. At the time Pulitzer and Hearst were rivals, and the last one seduce with a higher salary Outcault to work in his newspaper.

It was the first comic strips which uses message bubbles for the dialogues between the caracters. The comic critize the poverty of the big cities lead by a consumerist and materialist culture.

9. President John F. Kennedy

A. Won a Pulitzer Prize in 1957 for his biography, Profiles in Courage.  

It was a book written while he was senator for the state of Masachussets in 1952. He wrote about the lifes of eight senators describing acts of courage, value and integrity. The book was published in 1955.

10. William Randolph Hearst

D. Owner of the New York Journal; responsible for the first "media-driven" war.

1898, Cuba: America declared war to Spain. Context: Cuba independence.

Several US presidents wanted to buy the island to the Spanish crown. Why? It was a valuable, agricultural and strategic land. Spain refuses to sell the island and in 1895 a group of anticolinialist cubans started an independence war against Spain.

In 1898, the Maine, US Navy ship in La Habana, sunk. The New York Journal blame the spanish army, and the public opinion went crazy. The american president  William McKinley in response to the desperation american people were in, decided to declare war to Spain.

Why si the first "media-driven" war? because at the time The New York Journal was competing for sales, and it was valid the use of sensationalism and fake stories eye catching to make more people buy the papers.

Hearst sent journalists to cover the Cuban independece war, but according to these two, nothing was going to happen, they told Hearst that everything was quiet and that they should go back. One return and the other one stayed. Hearst told that one that he will furnish the war.

After the Maine sunk, Hearst fueled the public opinion blaming the spanish and fueled the public opinion for war setting society for a war scene.

Universidad de Mexico