If we relied solely on the nonrenewable resources found in the U.S., which one would we run out of first at current usage levels?

A. natural gas

B. oil

C. uranium

D. coal

Respuesta :

If we are depending on nonrenewable resources only then we will run out first at that resource which we are using at large level

that resource which is used at all levels at very fast level but we can't get it at that rate from natural sources

So out of all given choices we know that at most fastest rate we are using the OIL which we extract from the earth crust.

The rate with which we are extracting oil is very fast and if we use it at same rate then we will definitely run out of it

so correct answer would be

B. oil


B: Oil


If consumption of natural resources continues at the 1994 rate, then without importing resources from other countries, the U.S. has approximately enough oil to last for 23 years, enough natural gas to last for 68 years, enough uranium to last for 364 years, and enough coal to last for 7,007 years.

Reference: Energy Information Administration's State Energy Data Report 1994

( study island )