
choose one of the climate or vegetation zones of Africa and write a poem from the perspective of a person living in the zone and interacting with the environment

Respuesta :

What a beautiful place to live...

Priceless is to be here, without a price to wake me up

every day with the sound of beautiful birds, surrounded by friends. Friends of the village, animal friends.

They are just like us. They do not need much to live. They live in nature and they live the nature. They live it. So do I.

Ah, peculiarities. I will never left this place of love.

Thy brown red red colored earth, is very much part of me. I would not live without your vivid colors, without your wild noise of giraffes, buffalo, riding hard on this soil, this soil of my tribe, of my people, so mine.

Thy floor may be dry, but it has history. Here we learn to preserve the conquered and to thank the one who gives us nature: the plants, the trees, the anamals. To water: sacred. We yearn, we yearn, always for the rains. When the rain comes, we bless, we thank. This life, I will never leave.

Universidad de Mexico