. How long does it take hair to grow 8 inches?

A person who weighs 120 pounds on Earth weighs 20 pounds on the Moon. How much does a 93-pound person weigh on the Moon?

Respuesta :

First of all, I do not see the need for the very long pause before the question. It just makes people like me have a harder job answering. But ok, here we go.

On average, it will take 9–10 months for that growth to occur.

However, look at this answer to the question, and read it carefully before using the above as an answer.

The length of time it takes to go from shorter to longer hair depends on whether you're starting from a pixie cut or a bob, and whether you're aiming for ponytail length or Rapunzel locks. It also hinges on the condition of your hair, what kind of nutrition you're consuming, how often you're trimming and how much you're stressing out your tresses along the way. Start from the inside and work your way out to add inches to your hair length in the least amount of time.

Beauty begins on the inside, and long, lustrous locks are no exception. A diet balanced in fruits, vegetables, protein and calcium is a good start, but ask your doctor if adding a supplement is in order. Hair can benefit from iron, which helps oxygenate strands, and zinc, which also aids in growth. Biotin and other B-complex vitamins help plump up hair thickness while adding healthy shine. Vitamin D can help keep follicles on a regular growth schedule. Foods and vitamin supplements that feed the hair can also give skin and nails a boost for a complete healthy makeover.

For the second question:

If you would like to know how much a 93-pound person weighs on the Moon, you can calculate this using the following steps:

120 pounds on the Earth ... 20 pounds on the Moon

93 pounds on the Earth ... x pounds on the Moon = ?

120 * x = 20 * 93      /120

x = 20 * 93 / 120

x = 15.5 pounds on the Moon

The correct result would be 15.5 pounds on the Moon.