Imagine that you have discovered a restaurant that makes the best pizza you have ever tasted. Create a demand schedule showing how many pizzas a month you would buy at the prices of $25, $20, $15, $10, and $5

Respuesta :

As a Pizza enthusiast, you regularly eat pizza a couple of times a week. Let's suppose that at $ 5, you consider the prize for this great pizza a bargain, and raise your consumption of pizzas to 10 per month. However, even though pizza is your favorite food, your economic resources are limited, and there is just a limited amount of money you are willing to spend on buying pizza. Therefore:

  • At $ 5, you buy 25 pizzas per month.
  • At $ 10, you limit yourself to 20 pizzas per month.
  • At $ 15, you limit yourself to 15 pizzas per month.
  • At $ 20, you limit yourself to 10 pizzas per month.
  • At $ 25, you limit yourself to only 5 pizzas per month.