Can you answer all these questions?

1) element : the smallest substance that cant be broken down
2) yes it does, when water is boiling its particles or you can say "atoms" start to move more freely because of the high heat energy and so it becomes a gas or air (same thing).
3) complex compound , simple element , simple atom
4) the formula C12H22O11 is a table sugar it can refer to alot of elements such as Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose, Cellobiose (a few i know) these elements contain two monosaccharides which is a simple single sugar molecule like fructose and glucose. Molar mass of the formula C12H22O11 is 342.3 g/mol, the Density is 1.59 g/cm³.
5) compound : elements that are bonded together chemically.
answering this question again XD