Brainliest Asap!!!
Which of the following falls under the Jurisdiction of juvenile courts?
A. unruly children
B. deprived children
C. juvenile delinquent
D. all of above

Which of the following is not a right of a juvenile custody?
A. the right is to trial
B. the right to jury of his or hers peers
C. the right to against stelf - inscrimination
D. the right to an attorney

Respuesta :

1. B Deprived children

2. C The right to against stelf-inscrimination

B. Deprived children:

The safety and well-being of deprived children is within the jurisdiction of juvenile courts. The prosecution of parents or others who deprive children is a matter for the adult courts. Children who are the subject of a complaint alleging deprivation have a right to be represented in court by a guardian aad litem, a person who has a responsibility to investigate the case and recommend an outcome that is the best interest of the child.

C. The right against self-incrimination:

This right is within the Fifth Amendment and it protects you from being forced to incriminate yourself.

As Goldberg said in a case: allowing people to invoke the Fifth , we prevent incriminating statements from being pulled by prosecutors from someone through torture, and avoid the dilemma of someone having to choose whether to either lie under oath, say something that incriminates them of a crime, or say nothing and put themselves in contempt of court.

Underlying all of these lessons is the American ideal that the government should keep its hands out of our private lives until  it has a solid reason to do so.