Respuesta :
1-Rosencantz explains that when a great leader dies he takes others with him.He compares the king´s death to some kind of wheel that lies on top of a mountain.The wheel goes down and everything with it will go down too.This is both a foreshadowing and an outcome of the past because due to the king´s death now Caudius is facing trouble.Hamlet is uncontrollable and of course he feels distressed and anxious about the future.
2-Claudius speaks of the bible when Cain killed his brother Abel.That is the primal eldest curse, the murder of a brother.Claudius cannot ask for forgiveness because his guilts prevents him from doing so.He is aware of his evil sin.
3-Hamlet does not kill him because he is praying.Just because of that, if killed he would go to Heaven and have eternal peace.He does not deserve to be in peace or in Heaven in Hamlet´s eyes.
4-The words ...daggers into my ears.. are a comparison to the poison put into King Hamlet´s ear to cause him death.Gertrude feels this poison coming from her son, though she knows nothing about the murder.The ghost appears so that Hamlet has his mother interfere for him and also to remind Hamlet of his revenge.The king has asked Hamlet to forgive his mother as she has been innocent in all .This appearance is more natural for Hamlet and in a way the ghost appears as a father reminding the son of a duty.That is his message.
5-Gertrude agrees not to reveal that Hamlet has been pretending to be mad, but he isn´t .Hamlet also wants her to avoid being alone with Claudius.