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Step-by-step explanation:

This is because Pie diagram can easily understand and also it takes no time to show the method of increasing or decreasing something.

For example:

Book Street Books moves around 1400 books every month. The pie outline shows the most well-known book classifications, by rate, every month. Locate the number of sentiment books sold every month. Round your response to the closest integer. Pie Chart: Categories of Books Sold Romance: 19%Mystery, 16%Nonfiction, 22%Reference, 18%Children's Fiction, 25%19% = 0.190.19 × 1400 =266.

One more example is Book Street Books sells about 920 books each month. The circle graph displays the most popular book categories, by percentage, each month. Pie Chart: Categories of Books Sold Romance: 35%Cooking: 14.9%Travel: 19%.