
French Help. Thanks.

How would you say 'it has' in french? Also, how would you say 'The entire meal has x kcals.' in french?

How would you say 'My friend is going to eat' in french? would it be "Mon amie vais manger..." ?

Respuesta :



The entire meal has x kcal

Le repas entier contient X calories.

My friend is going to eat ..

Mon ami(e) va manger

be going to  + Verb infinitive  = aller(présent) + verb infintive

ALLER présent

je vais

tu vas

il/elle/on va

nous allons

vous allez

ils/elles vont

Salut !

The entire meal has x kcal = le repas entier contient x calories.

Exemple : Le repas entier contient 1000 calories.

My friend is going to eat = Mon ami (masculin) va manger

Or : Mon amiE (féminin) va manger