a stand was selling 8 mangos for $10 at a farmers market. Keisha said,"that means we can write the ratio 10:8 or $1.25 per mango. luis said,"i thought we had to write the ratio the other way 8:10 or 0.8 mangos per dollar.who is correct and why?can we write more than on ratio for this situation?

Respuesta :


  • Keisha  is right.
  • No, only 1 ratio works

Step-by-step explanation:

  • You want the units to be dollars / mango.
  • You have 10 dollars. How many mangos can you buy and at what price. They are selling mangoes for more than a dollar each.
  • The answer should be $1.25 per mango. Think of it this way:
  • If the cost of a mango was $1.00 you would be able to get 10 of them. Do you agree? Since you can only get 8, they must be more than a dollar each.
  • The ratio can only be written in one way. 10/8 = 1.25


  • Keisha  is right.
  • No, only 1 ratio works