➡️Plants have single large vacoule as compared to the animals which have many small vacuoles.✔️
➡️The main reason behind this fact are as follows:✔️
➡️Plants form the base of the food chain.✔️
➡️They are capable of converting inorganic matter to organic matter.✔️
➡️To store these inorganic ions they are provided with the large vacuoles.✔️
➡️Moreover, plants can not move from one place to another.✔️
➡️So, it is very
easy for a plant to be able to store extra nutrients when they are around for use later when nutrients may not be available✔️
➡️Plant cells grow by swelling.✔️
➡️They are provided with a rigid cell wall.✔️
➡️To make this wall expand, plant cells fill their vacuoles to exert pressure from inside.✔️