
The president has a variety of roles and powers identified by the Constitution.

Identify and describe the one presidential roles you think is most important. Be sure to provide details and at least one example of this role in your response.

Answer in 2 to 4 complete sentences.

Respuesta :

The President has one of the most important jobs in the country. I think that the President's most important role is to ensure that the economy is well balanced and all citizens are treated fairly. When the President is not mature enough to understand what their duties are, they may throw a tantrum and cause a government shutdown as we are in right now.

The constitutional powers of the president are stated in the article II, section 1 and section 2. For me the most important role that the president have is that he shall nominate, and by the advice and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall appoint judges of the supreme court. The constitution names other functionaries too, but for me the American system of justice is better than many in the world because all the judges in the supreme court have been good in general terms. For me a good justice system is essential for democracy.