Which of the following long-term effects of alcohol abuse is irreversible? Fatty liver Cirrhosis of the liver Hormonal disruption Which of the following is a 6-point traffic violation? Unlawful speed resulting in a collision Any moving violation resulting in a collision Unlawful speed of 16 mph or more over the posted limit Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Can be cured with intensive treatment Have life-long disabilities Have a genetic tendency to become alcoholics A young child can safely be left alone in a car for: Under 5 minutes Under 15 minutes No period of time Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects how much alcohol per hour your liver can clear from your blood? Gender Weight Practice What are your chances of becoming involved in an alcohol-related collision at some point in your life? 10% 30% 50% Which of the following does NOT describe a child that should be seated in a rear-facing car seat? Under 22 pounds Under one year of age Under 40 inches The speed limit for a given road is: The recommended driving speed for that area The approximate speed you should maintain to facilitate the flow of traffic The highest speed you should be driving in good driving conditions Your driving skills are not significantly affected by drinking alcohol until your blood alcohol level reaches the legally impaired limit. TRUE FALSE If a warning device is flashing or a crossing gate is lowered at a railroad crossing, you must stop: At least 15 feet from the nearest rail Behind the crossing symbol painted on the road As soon as you see the device flash or the crossing gate come down The highest speed limit on any road in the state of Florida is: 65 mph 70 mph 75 mph If you are a driver under the age of 21 in the state of Florida and have a blood alcohol level of .05: Your license will be suspended for six months You will be required to attend a substance abuse course Both The best way to measure the alcoholic content of a drink is by its volume. TRUE FALSE Depth perception, peripheral vision, color recognition, and night vision are all measurable reduced at what level of blood alcohol? 0.03 0.08 0.10 Another driver has just passed you with excessive speed, almost forcing you onto the shoulder. You should consider that: The person might be in an actual emergency situation You’ll see them at the next red light and can retaliate then You drive like that yourself whenever you’re in a rush It is not necessary to wear a shoulder belt if you are wearing a lap belt that is correctly positioned. TRUE FALSE Fines for speeding are doubled in all of these EXCEPT: A school zone A hospital zone A construction zone Adults seated near an airbag should position themselves no closer than: 5 inches from the airbag 10 inches from the airbag 20 inches from the airbag A driver under the age of 21 will have their license suspended if they are found to be driving with a blood alcohol level of: 0.02 0.05 0.08 An example of a “drinking holiday” is: Memorial Day Thanksgiving New Year’s Eve Drivers are considered legally impaired in all states with a blood alcohol level of: 0.05 0.08 0.1 Which of the following is a reason for which your license may be permanently revoked? Refusal to submit to a DUI test A felony for drug possession Driving without insurance You can be jailed for a first-time DUI offense. TRUE FALSE Hydroplaning occurs when: Your car goes over 70 mph Water builds up on the road There is a great deal of oil or dust on the road Driving is a right protected under the “general welfare” clause of the Constitution. TRUE FALSE The fine for a first offense of going 50 mph over the speed limit is: $250 $500 "$1,000 " If you are forced to drive through a large pool of standing water on the road you should: Test your brakes when you get to the other side Drive across as quickly as possible Never drive through standing water If you are involved in a collision in which results in death or serious injury, your blood will be drawn to measure blood alcohol level: If you were at fault in the accident If you are conscious Under any circumstances

Respuesta :

Cirrhosis of the liver

Unlawful speed resulting in a collision

Have life-long disabilities

No period of time



Under 40 inches

The recommended driving speed for that area


Behind the crossing symbol painted on the road

70 mph


I would say false, but I’m not sure for this one


The person might be in an emergency situation


A hospital zone

20 inches


New Year’s Eve


A felony for drug possession


Water builds up on the road



Test your breaks when you get to the other side

Under any circumstances

Hope I helped!!