Respuesta :
2. Choisir can be conjugated as a special -IR verb. Because of the article vous, we know that the ending of the word will be -ez. As shown through all -IR verbs, the ending of this word specifically would be -issez. Combined with the root of the word, chois, you would get the word choisissez.
3. Finir can be conjugated as a normal -IR verb. Because of the article nous, we know that the ending of the word will be -ons. As shown through all -IR verbs, the ending of this word specifically would be -issons. Combined with the root of the word, fin, you would get the word finissons.
I hope this helps! Bonne chance!
two kinds of verbes ending -IR in French
CHOISIR and FINIR are verbs of the 2nd group
the endings always are = -is / -is / -it / -issons / -issez / -issent
2- Vous choisissez toujours les fruits en dessert.
je choisis
tu choisis
il/elle/on choisit
nous choisissons
vous choisissez
ils/elles choisissent
3- Nous finissons toujours le diner avec du fromage et du dessert.
je finis
tu finis
il/elle/on finit
nous finissons
vous finissez
ils/elles finissent