Respuesta :
To the People of the USA in the person of your present authorities:
It is our moral duty to begin this letter by manifesting India's strong support for the work of the Allied countries trying so hard of getting ahead in these dark days of world history.
It is necessary to emphasize that India is at this moment, trying to become a great free nation with the capacity to fight for peace. However, it is not easy to attend to external affairs when, within our own country, we are not capable of imposing unity and conciliation of opinions.
Just as many years ago the United States of America, all together as the great nation you are, led a battle for its freedom from the British yoke. And this is the historic moment in which India needs to get rid of the same problem, in order to face the future without the shame of subordination to the interests of others.
The United States of America also faces a difficult challenge today in its internal search to resolve the struggles between white and black people. We follow closely that complex events which are comparable to the disunity that today prevents us from facing the common enemy, which is not so much the foreigner as is our own our lack of maturity to face small quarrels and to advocate all for a common destiny.
This Great World War is the environment that overshadows any attempt to concentrate on internal interests, but we are convinced that we can not make a contribution to the solution of world problems if we do not first solve those at home.
Every day, we lose strength, involved in internal struggles that weaken us in the face of the British enemy and prevent us from becoming a single voice that advocates peace, union, liberty and equality as the only possibilities for a promising future.
We are all aware that Great Britain is – between others- your ally in this contest, and we understand the difficult position of the United States if tried to mediate in favor of India, endangering the strength that today must be shown to the enemies you face in common.
However, the USA is an older brother who faced similar vicissitudes in the past and this position is the reason why we feel the need to request mediation and support about the cause that overwhelms us.
More than two million of us have already been engaged in this World War to fight at the command of British forces. Our location is strategic to the extent of our proximity to Russia, China, and even Japan, so, for better or for worse, our geographical situation puts us in a strategic place that will always be available to you whenever it is necessary to try to contribute to peace and dialogue.
Undoubtedly, our true support in this war will be with the Allied forces, but it is essential that this help comes as a free and responsible people of their destiny and not as cannon fodder that is sent to die on the battlefield without understanding what which represents this war for India and its particular interests, which are none other than the restoration of world peace.
Meanwhile, you receive these words, we will be expecting it to come into substantial agreements and reflect the same good intentions with which this letter is being written. We do not hesitate to be at your disposal for any misunderstanding that may arise from this, and as long as this serves as the beginning of future conversations, we declare ourselves, sincerely yours.