Respuesta :

Both were among the first Mesoamerican civilizations

Deeply religious

 Built huge cerimonial temples where they performed human sacrifices

Differences ;  

Incas lived in the mountians

The Incas practiced terrace farming and used irrigation

Maya gradually disappeared

Incas were wept out by Spanish Settlers

Incas were ruled by an established government ; Mayas were ruled by kings and priests

Maya & Aztec  

Similarities ;   Both built great cities

Studied astronomy and develpoed calenders

Located in present day Mexico

Worshipped many gods

 Differences ;

 Aztec fell to Spanish invaders ; Maya disappeared back into the jungle

Maya used "slash + burn" farming ; the Aztecs estalished irrigation systems & built terrace form structures

Maya lived much earlier than the Aztecs ; Also the Maya civilization lasted longer

 Aztec & Inca

 Simlarities .  

Both civilizations ended in the 1500's when the Spanish took over

Both used terrace farming and irrigation

 Deeply religious and worshipped may gods

 Differences ;  

Inca had no writing system ; the Aztecs used Hieroglyphics

Incas lived in the mountians of Peru and used llamas to help with farming

Incas built hundreds of miles of roads

Aztecs were more focused around the city of Tenochtitlan