Read the passage in "The Lady or the Tiger":

... And if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not.

What is ironic about this statement?

A. It's possible to dislike being rewarded for innocence

B. The prisoner always likes being rewarded, because the reward is a beautiful women

C. the definition of a reward is something that is like and appreciated

D. The prisoners identified as innocent are actually guilty

Respuesta :

C. the definition of a reward is something that is liked and appreciated


The correct answer is option C.


When we talk about irony, we mean the meaning of words, which is different from what is written. That is, what is written differs from reality.

In this case it happens with the phrase "rewarded, whether I liked it or not". If I talk about a reward, it should be strictly something good, something that I like. The irony is when it says "whether I liked it or not" since there is a chance that the reward is not to the liking of the person who will receive it, then it would cease to be a reward, and that is the irony.

Given this information we can say that the correct option is option C.