Respuesta :

It is true that communication competence involves being both appropriate and effective in our communicative interactions. Communication competence, or communicative competence, is the ability of the speaker of communicating ideas successfully and it has been studied by linguistics, the scientific study of language. Communication competence is closely related to the speaker's knowledge of the grammar, syntax and words of the language that he or she speaks. However, it is not only about how to speak but also about when a person should speak and when a person should not speak. Furthermore, linguists identify four components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, the knowledge of the grammar of a language, sociolinguistic competence, the knowledge related to the culture and the communicative situation and participants, discourse competence, the organization of the structure of discourse itself, and strategic competence, the ability of users of language to know when it is appropriate to speak and when it is not and what it is appropriate to say in different situations in order to keep the communication channel open.