Explain why the process of industrialization is called a revolution, and summarize the effects of industrialization on the people of the era.

Respuesta :

The name revolution represents a great change, which changes almost completely the way people live, this is what happened in the process of idustrialization, a revolution, a marked growth, an evolution .. an industrial change

the most important element of the industrial revolution was the invention of the steam engine by James Watt in 1776, from which a revolution in industry, great industrial growth, mainly textiles, largely made by the production of machines, was characterized, and the workers had to undergo to jobs with a very low renumbering and precarious conditions.

Among the effects on the lives of people of the time can be cited:

  • Emergence of workers' unions with the aim of defending the interests of the working class;
  • Increased rural exodus (migration of people from the countryside to the cities) motivated by job creation in industries;
  • Disorderly growth of cities, generating problems of submoradias;
  • Large use of child labor in factories.;
  • Greater concentration of income in the hands of the owners of the industries;
  • Increase in work-related diseases and accidents due to poor working conditions in factories;
  • Decrease in artisanal work and increase in the production of goods manufactured in machinery.