Respuesta :
Evaluate the clarity, truth, effectiveness, and relevance of the message.
A piece of written media should be understood on a multi-layer perspective
I hope this may clarify your question regarding the essay. When we are faced with the task of analyzing a piece of media, we should ask ourselves some questions. First of all, to whom the article is taking to? every media agency has an editorial narrative and it is partial in one way or the other. If you can derive your analysis from this first hypothesis, you will be in a good path.
Once you asked your first question, you should ask what is the message to the audience? there is a meta-message speaking to the receptor on a superior layer (above the article itself) and context is key to understand that message.
A third step would be asking how that meta-message is told? this third aspect emerges from the relationship between your understanding of the meta-message and the literal phrasing of the piece (on a implicit-explicit continuum)