What is the connection between Jewish beliefs about individual worth and the modern idea of equality before the law

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The Jewish people are the watchers of the "Torah" -The Moses Law- which contain ordinances for an excellent social convivence. this law has been functional even for the current modern society, having a high equality senses before the law, establishing that everybody has the same rights an are equals before the Law. And that the justice means give each one what he deserves. learning that is necessary to have excellent behavior, avoiding all kind of discrimination and repudiation that aren't based on the law.  

This thinking that has been transmitted generation by generation between the jews. been the life training for each jew.

for this reason, the Jewish training has been all that a Jewish child needs in the conduct of his daily affairs and qualifies him for membership, and allows him to acquire the status as a human being.

besides, it transmits to him what he needs for the attainment of life eternal. developing the habits that help one function creatively in all of life's situations.

that, in turn, give worth to his life in this world. promoting the self-fulfillment in the most socialized and spiritual sense.

For Jews, every human being is responsible to do what is right before the eyes of God and they also see that every person is worthy and valuable. In a similar way,  the equality before the law in modern society relies on that all men are equal in the eyes of God.