Thoreau develops many analogies to support his arguments. select three, and explain whether you find them convincing. how effectively does each one support the claim thoreau is using it to support?

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Henry David Thoreau was a philosopher, poet and writer who supported his arguments with analogies, three of the most recognized ones are: the human beings will finish to eat animals just like the tribal groups stopped eat each other at the moment they took another civilizations; As a cloud becoming rain to fertilize the fields, in that way we are able to change our prejudices; Just like the fight in order to end the slavery In America, we have the capacity to defeat the injustice and finally see the other as equal, not matter their color skin or beliefs.


The three analogies he uses are one, that of a drowning man and the another man saving him. His point and affect with this analogy is to argue that not knowing how to swim is not an excuse. He is working to discourage us from moving through the world basing our morals on inconvenience. You either poses integrity or you do not. The second analogy is about an invading army, this analogy also works here because throughout history the United States has invaded numerous in order to state a position of power and control. However, this author is pushing us further, that perhaps we are our own invading army. The third, and last analogies in these two paragraphs, is that of a broken machine. He argues that if that machine is producing great evil, “oppression [and] robbery” how can one organize and survive under a system with a broken machine.
