Part 1: A flower has 26 chromosomes. To create a new flower, how many chromosomes would a sperm cell have? What is this process called? Part 2: Within a flower cell that has 26 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would a cell that is created within the stem of a flower as it grows, have? What is this process called?

Respuesta :

1. The correct answer is: meiosis

The flowering plant is sporophyte diploid phase of the life cycle. Meiosis in sporophyte results in the production of spores that are haploid. Spores grow by mitosis forming the gametophytes that are also haploid and are located within the flower. Gametophytes produce gametes (sperm and egg) by mitosis. In this example, 2n=26 or diploid number of chromosomes. Sperm cells will have haploid number of chromosomes n=13

2. The correct answer is: mitosis.

A flower cell that has 26 chromosomes is a diploid sporophyte phase of the plant. Sporophytes are formed from the zygote which is formed via the fusion of haploid gametes. Sporophytes grow via mitosis, cells divide and the number of chromosomes is the same.


Part 1: Meiosis

Part 2: Mitosis
