Respuesta :
This two texts have in common that even though, The Declaration of Independece justifies why they want to rule themselves and The Constitution explains how they choose to rule themselves, they both are steps to achieve one goal that is being independent. They both explain the road that the people will go through so as to prove that they are capable of ruling themselves and that it can be positive for their society.
This texts are also different from each other because The Declaration of Independence trys to justify their desire of independence and autonomy. This statament expresses the reasons of this decision taken by the people.
On the other way, The Constitution express their ways to operate, it means, how do they plan to achieve their autonomy. This are the guidelines that they will follow in order to prove that they can rule themselves and that they do not need the pressure or guidelines of another people that are foreign.
Both of the statements have different purposes and they express different matters. Each one of them, makes emphases in their own matters so as to be clear. The Declaration of independence, expresses the reasons why the people want to be independent explaining how do the pople suffer the rules of someone foreign, that men are all the same and everyone deserves to be treated with respect and also choose how to be treated. And The Constitution explains their plans and guidelines showing what they try to do, and how are they going to choose their authorities, the requirements needed to occupate the charges, the areas that the government will have and many otters rules that they will accept and follow.