Rice is lauded for creating a collaborative atmosphere that enhances the quality of life for all members of our campus community. The Residential College System is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences and cultural traditions each student brings. What personal perspectives would you contribute to life at Rice? (500 word limit)

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This Residential College System that is heavily influenced by the unique life experiences that each student brings, enriches the knowledge of each student and makes every single one of them to adopt a particular point of view of the reality that they live in, but this experiences also shows them that all the years before they know each other, each student lived his or her own life in a completely different way.

However, several students may have had similar life styles and experiences, and may be when they started college they realized that even though some people had experienced things that for them were extremely weird or impossible to experience, they also may have met people that even if they lived in another state or another country, they were very similar in matters of personality and experiences lived.

This variety of life styles, points of view, experiences lives and personalities is what shows the students that theres is more than his or her own way to live and enjoy life and teaches them values and knowledge that may be useful for them in any aspect of life not only in the present but also in the future.

This experiences and different values that each student has makes other students modify their points of view in different aspects. For example, someone who has always done his or her activities or proyects buy him or herself, can learn that working in teams makes the works easier and not so demanding for one single person. Or that giving a hand to someone else without expecting something in change, will make a valuable and an honorable person that a lot of peoplewill be glad of sharing a proyect, an idea o just a talk with you. Or it can teaches the other students that envy and selfishness only difficult everybody´s life in order to grow intelectually and mature, but being generous and helpful will take you to achieve many of your goals and make the road even more enjoyable.