dalton proposed the first atomic model. which statement best reflects his thinking at that time?
a) atoms can be divided into smaller parts
b) smaller particles are found inside atoms
c) atoms are solid balls
d) atoms are all alike

Respuesta :

c) atoms are solid balls

they were also known as "indivisible spheres


The correct answer is option c.


Dalton atomic theory states following points regarding atoms:

  1. All the matter are made up of small indivisible particle named atom which are spherical in shape. In his model he depicted solid ball as an atom.
  2. Atoms of same element are identical in size and masses.
  3. Atoms of different elements are no identical that id they differ in size and masses.
  4. Atoms of different elements combine together in fixed ratio to  from a specific a compound.
  5. In chemical reaction, arrangements of the atoms is changed.