Which of the following best describes the use of a renewable resource? (2 points)

a.Most power plants burn fossil fuels to generate electricity for use in homes, offices, and other buildings.

b.Propane is a product you might use to barbeque; it comes from natural gas and processing oil.

c.There are areas in California that use the heat from deep in the Earth to generate electricity.

d.We use gasoline to power our cars to get to work and school each day.
2 points


Which of the following best describes the use of a nonrenewable resource? (2 points)

a.California has several power plants that use heat from the Earth to generate electricity.

b.In the state of Texas, you can find miles of windmills that are used to generate electricity.

c.Natural gas is a great alternative to electricity for cooking.

d.The electronic signs along the highway are run by solar power.
2 points


Which of the following best describes the use of a renewable resource? (2 points)

a.Coal is mined from deep passages dug in a mountainside and burned to generate electricity.

b.Natural gas is extracted from deep in the Earth and piped to customers to use for cooking.

c.Oil is pumped from beneath the ocean floor and refined into jet fuel to power airplanes.

d.Solar panels are able to gather the energy from the sun and convert it into electrical energy.
2 points


Select the example that best describes a renewable resource. (2 points)

a.All the houses built in the new neighborhood had natural gas available, which will be used for cooking and heating.

b.My town is powered by electricity that is generated by the energy from the flow of water through a large dam.

c.Our lawn mower is powered by an engine that uses both oil and gasoline.

d.The airplane can carry thousands of gallons of jet fuel needed to fly from New York to London.
2 points


Which example describes a nonrenewable resource? (2 points)

a.Everyone in our neighborhood uses solar panels to generate electricity to run their pool pumps.

b.Once up and running, the power plant will convert the energy from tides and waves into electricity.

c.There is a long stretch of land in the desert with many windmills that are able to generate enough electricity to run the town.

d.There are drilling platforms all along the coast that are used to drill for natural gas that can be used to generate electricity.

Respuesta :


1). (c).  The heat from deep in the Earth is the renewable resource.

2). (c).  The natural gas is the non-renewable resource.

3). (d).  The energy from the sun, collected with solar panels, is the renewable resource.

4). (b).  The energy in the flow of water through the dam is the renewable resource.  If you analyze it in detail, it turns out to be solar energy.


1. c.There are areas in California that use the heat from deep in the Earth to generate electricity.

2. c.Natural gas is a great alternative to electricity for cooking.

3. d.Solar panels are able to gather the energy from the sun and convert it into electrical energy.

4. b.My town is powered by electricity that is generated by the energy from the flow of water through a large dam.

5. d.There are drilling platforms all along the coast that are used to drill for natural gas that can be used to generate electricity.



c. Heat generated deep into the earth is called Geothermal Energy. This heat is carried out of the earth crust in the form of water or steam.


c. Natural gas is obtained from the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the huge rocks of the deeper earth crust. It is associated with the reservoirs of the in-earth fossil fuels.


d. Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that can be harnessed for various utilities. Renewable energy is that energy which will never deplete as a resource or their rate of formation is faster than its usage.


b. Water head is raised by collection of water from the flowing water reservoir and this is channeled through a regulated passages as per the requirement to run the turbine connected to an alternator via a shaft to produce electricity.


d. Natural gas is gaseous product obtained along with the fossil fuels and depletes sooner whereas its regeneration takes thousands of years.