Respuesta :
There isn't really anything for me to "check" here but I gotta go with a dictionary
root word
word endings
parts of speech
The root is the base word is defined as the primary lexical of a word, and is the base to construct many words, you can use this to find similarities with other word that shares the root, for example Auto - means self or same, some word with this root are Autonomy and automatic, the first means the ability to govern yourself and the second means that has self-control and does not need a human to operate, mostly refer to machines. We can see how the root drive the base of the meaning of the word. The principle work very similar for the word endings as the suffix has also a base meaning that together with a a root or a prefix create a whole meaning for a word.
Sometimes when you found an unfamiliar word in a text you can use references of the context to infer the meaning of that one you missed, find comparisons and opposite if the text provides them.