They have plenty of ambergris, because whales abound in these seas, and also cachalots. And since they catch great numbers of both, they are never short of ambergris; for you know it is the whale that produces ambergris. They have leopards and lynxes and lions also in great numbers. Other beasts, such as harts, stags, and roebuck and such-like game animals, are also abundant, besides game-birds of many kinds. There are also many ostriches of huge size. The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous. Which quotation from the excerpt best reflects the author’s subjective perspective about the fauna of Madagascar? “They have plenty of ambergris, because whales abound in these seas, and also cachalots.” “They have leopards and lynxes and lions also in great numbers.” “Other beasts, such as harts, stags, and roebuck and such-like game animals, are also abundant, besides game-birds of many kinds.” “The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.”

Respuesta :

The correct answer is D.

The author talks about the great diversity of birds that can be found Madagascar's fauna and thinks this is "triuly marvelous".

By saying this, the author is giving his personal opinion and thoughs, making the statement subjective, rather than objective.

The quotation from the excerpt that best indicates the author’s subjective perspective about the fauna of Madagascar is: "“The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.” (Option D)

What is a subjective perspective?

When a person gives their opinion or point of view based on their own feelings, interests or inclinations, it is called a Subjective Perspective.

Note that the selected quotation is based on a comparison of the narrators diversity of birds.

Learn more about perspectives at;

Universidad de Mexico