Think of the most enjoyable and memorable speech you have ever heard. Use specific examples to describe what it was about the speech that made the experience so memorable. What did you do, as a listener, to actively participate in the experience?

Respuesta :

Answer: In Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream” speech, he was telling the people that he had a dream in which his children would grow up in a world that did not have hate or discrimination, he wanted true freedom from racism for the colored people.

This is the speech:

     Good night all. Tonight I will give you a few words that make you realize how much we don't know about technological progress. First, we must know how important technological advancements are at this age. Many people use technology as a tool that helps their daily activities. And many of us do not understand what technology is for? From this moment on, I will make your mind more open to the importance and value of technology more than just entertainment media.

      We start from the children, they today are born of technology. Yes as you know, like making a program and then downloading it from the internet and children are born. But they are smarter than a program. Then move on to the world of teenagers, who are no less competitive in this era with the consumptive nature of rapidly developing technology. A world where love is burning, the era of searching for identity, for the sake of true love. The generation that does not believe in the old story, Romeo and Juliet is considered as mere fairy tales. Although the story is not yet certain. Unstable emotions, all expressions are shed on social media. Happy, Sad, Difficult, all incomplete test scores are submitted to Social Media. But they did not change anything other than fulfilling the world's internet memory.

         And adults should be wiser in using technology. Pay attention to your family, not Instagram stories. The role of parents is to educate, to create a generation who is literate in technology but will not forget to excel. Not only personal style but also character and behavior. That is why this is an unpredictable age, we must be careful and wise.

Further Explanation

Speech is an activity of public speaking or giving speeches to express their opinions or provide an overview of a matter. Speeches are usually delivered by someone who gives speeches and statements about an important thing/event that is worthy of discussion.

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Entertaining Speech

Technology topic


Class: Middle and High School

Subject: English/World Languages

Keywords: Speech, Entertain, Technology