Respuesta :

What is missing from the citation is the title of the article.

If you analyze the citation, you can see that first the name of the author is given. Then, the title of the book is given. Afterwards, the page and the year of publication are given. Lastly, the format of the book is given. However, the title of the article in particular from where the citation was taken is not accounted for.

The MLA citation for a print source has to include the following:

Author Last name, first name, "title of the article" (between quotation marks)", title of journal, day month year of publication: page numbers, Print.

A good example would be this one: Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71. Print.

So here we can see that not only the correct typographic format has not been respected which induces the reader into quite a confusion but the title of the journal is missing and the date is incomplete and the title of the article is missing its quotation marks (“---“).