Compare the figure in The Scream painting to Ivan Ilyich during the final days of his life. Why does Ivan Ilyich scream for three days straight? Why do you think Tolstoy chooses to focus in particular on the last three days of Ivan Ilyich’s life? Do you think readers can view Ivan Ilyich as a hero at the end of his life in any way? Provide information from the video and textual evidence from The Death of Ivan Ilyich to support your answer.

Respuesta :

Ivan Ilyich screamed for three days straight because he knows he's dying and nothing he did in his life really mattered, he feels the same anguish as Munch's painting. This is precisely why Tolstoy chose to focus on those last days of his life, they are the most dreadful and full of agony, turning Ivan Ilych from a shallow rather frivolous man into a pathetic pitiful hero. there you go