Respuesta :

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(2) B and C."

Here are the following choices:
(1) A and B(3) C and D(2) B and C(4) D and A

Here are the following speeches:
Speaker A: It was a combination of the Protestantwind and the island nature of our nationthat protected us. Surely, Philip must beupset at his defeat.

Speaker B: Our archipelago and divine winds haveprotected us once again. The Mongolsmay have taken China, but they cannotconquer us.

Speaker C: To support our growing population, wemust find a suitable way to farm. Withfloating gardens on our lake, we shouldbe able to grow enough to meet ourdemand.

Speaker D: We have connected highland and lowlandareas by building networks of roads andbridges. We have also built terraces intoour mountainsides to grow crops