Respuesta :

you need physical map to check the amazon river


Physical map


Physical map is a concept formed by 2 words. On the one hand, map is a term that comes from the Latin mappa and refers to an illustration that represents a territory, this representation can be placed on paper or spherical, imitating the shape of the globe. The second word, physical, refers to something concrete that is associated with a structure or body.

Therefore, a physical map would be an illustration or graphic representation of the physical characteristics of a place or region, such as changes in terrain, mountain ranges, deserts, rivers, lakes, etc. Thus, it will be differentiated from the political map, which illustrates how the territories are organized in terms of the sovereignty of the peoples (countries and regions). Logically, there are also political-physical or physical-political maps, which include both characteristics, being very complete and useful for the study.

The physical map is an essential tool when investigating and knowing a specific terrain, knowing its composition in terms of plateaus, mountains, rivers and other characteristics that can help orient even if the place is not known.

Normally it is drawn to scale, so that distances and colors can be calculated to identify terrain elevations in addition to distinguishing seas from the oceans.