The equation Y = 12x describes the amount of money Louis earnings where X is the number of hours he works and what is the amount of money he earns the table shows the amount of money Carl earns for different numbers of hours worked
Carl's earnings
Time (h) || Money earned($)
3 45
5 75
8 120
10 150
(A). How much money does coral earn per hour show your work
(B) Who earns more per hour justify your answer
(C) draw a graph that represents Carls earnings over time in hours remember to label the axis

Respuesta :

Part A and its work

There is an ratio relationship between the hours and the amount paid. So for every hour you get paid 15$, You can figure this out by dividing the table for each amount of money earned by the time.45/3=15




Part B and Its work

Carl earns more money then louis because louis only makes 12$ per hour, It can even be shown in the chart below

Money||Money Earned

3         ||  36

5         ||  60

8         ||   96

10       ||    120

Part C

Make A coordinate grid, the  X axis as time and the Y axis as money earned and plot the following coordiates (0,0) (1,15) (2,30)