Read act III of Hamlet. Then describe the scene in which Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius. Why is it significant that Hamlet finds his uncle praying during act III, scene III?

Respuesta :

Hamlet silently enters to Claudius room knowing that he has the perfect opportunity to kill Claudius, Hamlet draws his sword but he refuses to kill Claudius while praying, because he believes that Claudius's spirit will go to heaven since he is in the process of asking God for forgiveness,

Is significant because Hamlet wants his uncle to go to hell, not to heaven.


When Hamlet goes to kill Claudius in act III, scene III, he notices his uncle praying. Hamlet feels that if he kills his uncle as he prays, his uncle’s soul will be washed free of sin because he has prayed to God for repentance. Hamlet does not want his uncle to go sin-free to heaven and decides to wait till later to kill him, after he has sinned again. The fact that Claudius prays immediately after the play-within-a-play is significant because, in Hamlet’s mind, it confirms his uncle’s guilt and puts to rest the inner conflict Hamlet experienced before the event.

