90 POINTS! Please answer soon. 

Research the items shown below to determine their impact on other cultures. Briefly describe each item, when it occurred, and who was involved. Then, describe in one or two sentences how the item influenced other cultures around the world.

The Prohibition of Marriages Act in Africa
The Great Schism in Europe
The Reformation in Europe
European diseases in the early Americas
Commodore Perry’s Black Ships in Asia
United States Imperialism in Latin America

Then, review current events and describe how you think one specifically will impact the world now and in the future.

Respuesta :

he Prohibition of Marriages Act in Africa: Law No. 55 of 1949, Prohibiting Mixed Marriages Act, was an apartheid law (social system imposed by white minority governments in South Africa during the 20th century) in South Africa that prohibited marriages between "Europeans" and "non-Europeans". The Apartheid extended the segregation to other ethnic groups (for example of mixed or Asian origin) that occupied the region. After almost eighty years of racist legislation, in the hands of the national party, and since it could no longer tolerate international pressure and continue to cover up the civil war that ruled the streets, the last laws supporting the apartheid system were repealed on June, 1991..

The Great Schism in Europe : also called Western Schism was part of the Roman Catholic Church history. During the years 1978 to 1417 there were two popes each with his own following, his own Sacred College of Cardinals, and his own administrative offices.  

This situation generated political tensions and antagonisms that resulted in denunciations, confusion and a scandal for the Catholic Church.


After several proposals to end the litigation a council was held in Pisa, in 1409 in which a third pope was elected: Alejandro V, succeeded shortly after by Baldassare Cossa or Juan XXIII. He convened, in 1414, the Council of Constance, received the resignation of the Roman pope, Gregory XII, and dismissed the claims of the Pope of Avignon, Benedict XIII. After that the election of Martin V was achieved in November 1417, so the schism was ended.

In England John Wycliffe, a priest and an Oxford scholar, religious reformer, took advantage of the weakness of the church during the great schism to attack.


The Reformation in Europe: In the 16th century, M.L King led the religious revolution, also called the Protestant revolution. Founding base of the Protestant,  one of the Christianity religious branch

It is believed to have started when his ninety-five theses were on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517.  

It led the division of Western Christianity (Roman Catholicism and the new Protestant traditions). This had far-reaching political, economic and social effects. Among them we can highlight the bases that gave rise to the modern state and had great impact on the modern concept of identity and the reform of modern liberalism. Likewise, the Protestant Reformation resulted in a European expansion towards the West that produced a political increase of power for Europe, the social increase of slavery, diseases, mercantilism and capitalism.



European diseases in the early Americas:  

With the European colonization campaigns also came the diseases that caused waves of epidemics. Among them: smallpox, bubonic plague, chickenpox, cholera, the common cold, diphtheria, influenza, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, sexually transmitted diseases, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis, pertussis (whooping cough). Many of them persist today


Commodore Perry’s Black Ships in Asia:  

In the 16th and 19th centuries, western ships landed at JApón. The first contacts were made by the Portuguese, creating the trade routes that linked Goa with Nagasaki


United States Imperialism in Latin America: American imperialism is based on its imperial phase based on the use of force to subdue its competitors and all those who do not legitimize their actions. Alfredo Hardy develops them in 7 chapters:

1- Monroe Doctrine: The United States expands its influence in Mesoamerica.

2- Manifest Destination: Acquires the Mexican territories of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada.

3- Empire advances on the Spanish colonial territories of the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico.

4- The "Good Neighborhood": with Franklin D. Roosevelt as president the troops of the Caribbean are withdrawn, and a policy of "nonintervention" begins.

5- Cold War: World War II ends; the world is bipolarized: USSR against USA. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) were created the previous year. The dollar gains strength and this influences the imperial relationship with Latin America. In Latin America there are several coups d'état.

6- Washington Consensus: The US wins the Cold War and the IMF controls the NOE (new economic order) based on the "Washington Consensus"

7- With Bush as president, imperialist politics is strengthened by neo-conservative slogans.